What You Need to Know About Fuel Consumption

26th, Oct 2023 7 min read time

Studies show that more than half of Australian households have access to at least two vehicles. With so many people hitting the roads, it's important to understand fuel consumption and fuel-efficient vehicles.

But what makes maximising fuel efficiency so important, and why should motorists care? If you're curious about fuel tracking, we're here to help.

Read on for a comprehensive fuel consumption guide and find out why such information is critical. We'll also discuss how to work out fuel consumption and what factors you should focus on to highlight efficiency.

What is fuel consumption?

As the name suggests, fuel consumption is the amount of fuel your vehicle consumes. The true definition has more nuance, but this is a vital starting point.

Your fuel consumption is a measure of how fuel-efficient your vehicle is. A car with heavy fuel consumption will consume much more petrol than a vehicle with better efficiency.

How to work out fuel consumption

Working out fuel consumption as a basic exercise is simple. To do so, measure how far your car travels on a set amount of petrol.

A great way to do so is to fill your tank completely. From there, reset your vehicle odometer, which tracks how far your vehicle has travelled. When you need to fill up again, you can average out how many kilometres you travelled relative to how much petrol you used.

For example, a vehicle that travelled fifty kilometres on five litres of petrol has a fuel economy of 10 kilometres per litre.

There are many more factors that can impact your fuel consumption. Use this simple starting calculation to find a beginning point on your fuel consumption. Another common calculation is to determine fuel efficiency based on litres-per-100-km.

Economic factors

Vehicle efficiency has a close tie to the economy of your car. To this point, many people refer to fuel efficiency as your vehicle's "fuel economy."
Simply put, the more petrol your vehicle consumes, the more often you need to fill up. Another factor is your vehicle's tank capacity.

As such, a vehicle with poor fuel consumption is typically more expensive than one with good fuel efficiency. To this end, many people prefer vehicles with better average fuel consumption. That way, their fuel lasts longer, goes farther, and petrol prices end up less on average per month.

Environmental factors

Another important factor for many people is the environmental impact of cars with poor fuel efficiency. Studies show about two-thirds of Australians are concerned for the planet's health as a result of climate change.

Cars that consume more fuel tend to have higher emissions. In part, this is because they pollute more as a result of consuming petrol at a faster rate. In turn, this requires them to fill up more often, continuing to contribute to climate change.

Vehicles that are more fuel efficient cause less pollution over time, though they're still responsible for considerable carbon emissions. Consider finding ways to maximise fuel efficiency to help minimise your vehicle's impact on the environment.

Factors on fuel consumption

Now that we have a better understanding of fuel consumption, what impacts your vehicle efficiency? If you're looking into fuel tracking, it's important to know what factors will impact your vehicle's performance. Here are some of the primary qualities to look at when working out your vehicle's fuel consumption.

Vehicle size

Another important quality of your vehicle is its size. To be clear, a larger vehicle will not always have a worse fuel economy than a smaller one. Other factors, such as age, can change this.

However, larger vehicles require greater power to move, which naturally requires higher fuel consumption. As such, larger vehicles often will consume more fuel than smaller vehicles.

These vehicles also often have a larger tank so that they can hold more fuel. Having a larger tank can make it so you don't have to fill up as often.

Vehicle age

As vehicles have evolved, manufacturers have found ways to maximise fuel efficiency. Newer vehicles often have better efficiency than a vehicle of the same make and model from a decade earlier, for example.

If the vehicle has the wear and tear of being driven, it also may have worse efficiency. As your engine ages and wears down, it can become less efficient.

It's critical to research what vehicles have the best fuel efficiency. The Australian Bureau of Statistics has seen little change in the fuel efficiency of vehicles since 1963. Primarily, this is because consumers tend to prefer larger, less efficient vehicles, and this does not mean that more efficient vehicles aren't available.

Engine care

Finally, since wear and tear on your engine is a massive factor, caring for your engine can improve your fuel efficiency.

If your engine is wearing down from being poorly maintained, your fuel consumption will suffer. Maintain your engine by having your vehicle serviced regularly.

A driver fuelling up their car

Improving fuel efficiency

Does that mean that your only way to maximise fuel efficiency is to drive small, new cars? Thankfully, there are many other ways to improve your vehicle's efficiency. Here are three of the best ways to do so.

Drive responsibly

One of the best things you can do is to ensure you're driving responsibly. Your driving habits can have a significant impact on your vehicle's efficiency.

For example, rapidly accelerating your vehicle can cause it to consume more petrol to reach speed. Instead, let your vehicle gradually reach your target speed. If you're on the highway or a back road with no stops, this is an ideal way to do so.

Similarly, you should work on "stop and go" driving. Stopping abruptly or frequently slamming your brakes will cause your vehicle to consume more fuel to accelerate repeatedly.

Care for your car

There's more you can do to care for your car than service your engine.

You should do your best to keep your vehicle maintained in all ways. Low-quality tires may cause more friction, increasing how much fuel your car is using. A dented body can impact your vehicle's aerodynamics, also worsening your efficiency.

Upgrade your vehicle

If all else fails and it's within your budget, you can often improve vehicle performance by upgrading to a different vehicle. While doing so, make sure you're researching a "good" vehicle for your purposes.

One way to do so is to aim for a hybrid or electric vehicle. Hybrids use a mix of electricity and petrol for fuel. Electric vehicles purely use electricity, cutting out petrol entirely.

Fuel consumption myths

When looking for a fuel consumption guide, you may find several prevailing myths. Here are some of the most common myths in regard to vehicle efficiency.

Manual cars are more efficient

You can often find this myth as a result of manual cars often having better efficiency. While this is sometimes true, it is not a universal truth.

Manual vehicles may have worse efficiency according to vehicle weight, the driver's driving behaviour, and traffic conditions. Automatic transmissions are often more efficient.

Premium fuel is always the best

When fueling up, you'll notice several fuel options. The natural assumption is that premium fuel is of higher quality and can improve efficiency.

Different vehicles are designed for different types of petrol. If your vehicle is designed for diesel, for example, using premium fuel can damage the internal combustion engine.

Idling versus restarting

Another common myth is that idling the engine will consume less fuel than turning the vehicle off. Often, this comes up if the vehicle is in the park while waiting or idling in a drive-thru.

The truth depends on how long the vehicle is stationary. If it's less than a minute, restarting the vehicle will consume more fuel than idling. If the vehicle is ideal for several minutes, turning the vehicle off would be more efficient.

Getting the most out of your tank with easi

Understanding how to work out fuel consumption is critical for getting the most out of your vehicle. Do your best to familiarise yourself with your vehicle's fuel consumption so you can find ways to maximise fuel efficiency.

Curious to search for more ways to maximise fuel efficiency? Reach out to us at Easi to find out more about leasing an electric vehicle today.